I am pleased to announce that my new CD's have arrived from the printer, safe and sound, and are now ready to head out into the world and be listened to!

The first one, Palettes, is comprised of the session I did back in August, using artwork as inspiration – the eleven tracks from the van Gogh to the second Wyeth. You have (presumably) heard all of those. Still, you haven't heard them sound like they do on this CD, mastered to perfection, nor have you seen the handsome CD artwork and insert it comes with.
Still, Palettes is outdone by the second disc, entitled Passages. Passages includes four previously unreleased tracks, including what may be my favorite of all (Track 3: "Glacier Discovery"). Besides the sparkling sound (thanks to Eric Ames at SuperDigital for a great mastering job), the package is fantastic. Vibrant original artwork by local artist Justin Potts, and a little jigsaw-type CD surface/tray art as a bonus!
Bluster aside, I am terribly pleased with how these CD's came out, and proud that I've finally created something tangible. I want very much to share these with you who have been so supportive over this past year (almost exactly!). If you have enjoyed my music this past year, do think about buying one or both of these records; you can get them here: http://www.montchrishubbard.com/store.html
Finally, lest you think that I am through with this blog, think again! I will continue to post improvisations while I've got them. The upcoming posts will be brand new – they are not album cuts. I have a few more until the well dries up; when that time comes, I think I will record some more, but maybe not on the piano. Don't worry, we'll cross that bridge when we come to it. In the meantime, the next post will be up in a few minutes, with an energetic little ditty.
Sincerely yours,
Mont Chris Hubbard
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