Monday, March 10, 2008

Recap: my favorites...

90 days into my project, I have posted 36 pieces, almost 190 minutes of music. Some of them I am even quite fond of. You and I surely disagree on what the best ones are, but I'd like to offer my opinions now. Here are my favorite improvisations from the four sessions so far, recorded over the past three months:

"Nunavut" 6m43s

"Ophelia" 9m28s

"Beret" 7m22s

"Beatrice" 5m30s

"Juliet, part II" 6m38s

"Cowboy Hat" 5m30s

P.S. The Flash program I was using as an embedded .mp3 player is sounding funky, so please just use the direct links to the files. They sound much, much better.

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