Sunday, November 9, 2008

12 August 2008, #11. "Winter, 1946" - 4m03s

This is the last piece in my "Paintings" series. Coincidentally, the painting for the first piece was also by Andrew Wyeth - I am pleased at the symmetry. I am also pleased at how this piece turned out. I found a very interesting motif and explored it thoroughly, but I don't find it belaboured. The piece does not settle into a standard key and avoids standard cadences. It is open, cold, and harsh.

"Winter, 1946" (1946) by Andrew Wyeth
Click on the painting to open up a larger version in another window.

download (option-click for Mac users, right-click and save for PC users)
Recorded on August 12th, 2008, at Magic Closet Studios, in Portland, OR.


Anonymous said...

WWII aftermath. Emotional isolation and the memory of death. Living amidst barrenness.

Lisa Lepine ProMotion Queen said...

Andrew Wyeth is one of my favorite painters.
Did you know that he painted this image after the death of his father - who was killed in a train crossing accident near the location in the painting?
In your piano musings and wyeth's painting there is a sense of loss and the grey grief of barren winter.