Sunday, February 24, 2008

23 Jan 2008, #5. Fedora - 6m21s

After "Beret" and "Cowboy Hat," both overwhelmingly diatonic, it seems pretty obvious that I tried to cleanse my palate with the first two minutes of this piece, which are just me trying not to make much sense at the keyboard. From there, it takes on a restless feeling; I think it is caused by the C# ostinato pedal.

(See if you can catch where I get mixed up and switch the top and bottom C sharps.)

I didn't know how to end it.

download (option-click for Mac users, right-click and save for PC users)
Recorded on January 23rd, 2008, at Peace Church of the Brethren, in Portland, OR, with a Zoom H4 Digital Recorder. Edited with Audacity music software.

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