Monday, February 4, 2008

7 Jan 2008, #7b. Helena - 5m23s

I wish that I had had three hands for this one. It started off very promisingly, but I think I bit off more than I could chew. Starting at 3:57, my hands want to do more than they can handle – my right hand is doing all the work, while my left hand just sounds confused ("Buh!") – and the piece suffers.

download (option-click for Mac users, right-click and save for PC users)
Recorded on January 7th, 2008, at Peace Church of the Brethren, in Portland, OR, with a Zoom H4 Digital Recorder. Edited with Audacity music software.

1 comment:

C Neal said...

These two are great! I actually like the spazz-out - do more, please. Especially with ragtime.