Friday, May 16, 2008

23 April 2008, #2. "Lakshmi Singh" - 3m38s

I needed to relax after the first piece. This is by far the most typically jazz improv I've done, just a little noodling over a standard progression. There's a little "Georgia On My Mind" in there, a little "Til There Was You," a few other things. It's like an afternoon stroll after a crazy energetic day.

download (option-click for Mac users, right-click and save for PC users)
Recorded on April 23rd, 2008, at Peace Church of the Brethren, in Portland, OR, with a Zoom H4 Digital Recorder. Edited with Audacity music software.


Anonymous said...

Lovely, but perhaps you meant to title it 'Lakshmi Singh'?

mch said...

Yes, anonymous pit nicker, you are of course right. I hope you are not Ms. Singh herself; if so, I apologize sincerely for the mistake.

Anonymous said...

Chris, the piece was lovely. This time, it IS Lakshmi Singh. Cheers and thank you for the musical stroll after a busy day.


mch said...

You are quite welcome, Lakshmi; and thank YOU for lending (albeit unknowingly) your name to this piece. I'm very glad that you found it (and that you find it agreeable!).