Monday, January 28, 2008

7 Jan 2008, #3a. Juliet, part I - 6m46s

My third goal was to improvise while thinking about something specific (holding a specific picture in my mind - I'm not telling what). After two experimental starts, my hands just have to play something calm, normal. And so out comes this. Terribly sappy, isn't it?

Midway through I came up with a great groove in 5, but when I'm improvising, it's hard sometimes to remember that I'm in an odd meter, and my fingers got confused a bunch of times.

download (option-click for Mac users, right-click and save for PC users)
Recorded on January 7th, 2008, at Peace Church of the Brethren, in Portland, OR, with a Zoom H4 Digital Recorder. Edited with Audacity music software.

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